An independent company with 24 years of expertise in flight data animation for Flight Safety and Pilot Training
A leading provider of air cargo now uses CEFA FAS: Kalitta Air
To constantly strengthen flight safety, the independent American cargo airline chose CEFA Aviation’s flight data animation software.
Visualizing flight data with a best-in-class software
“Kalitta Air makes it happen – on time, anytime, anywhere.“ Under this motto, the American cargo airline, headquartered in Ypsilanti Township, Michigan, operates international scheduled and ad-hoc cargo charter services for customers in the United States and around the world. To animate the data from the flight data recorders placed in the airline’s all-freighter fleet of 24 B747-400’s and 5 B767-300ER’, the software CEFA FAS (Flight Animation System) made the difference.
“CEFA FAS is used as well by major airlines, regional companies as by cargo freighters,” explains Dominique Mineo, CEO and founder of CEFA Aviation. “We feel particularly proud and close to Kalitta Air as both our company stories are similar – on different scales: Kalitta describe themselves as a small organization with a huge heart, which began with a small group of very dedicated employees with vision who worked uncompromisingly towards success of the company. Kalitta Air delivers a top-shelf, quality product and is dedicated to customer’s satisfaction.”
Both companies are also fully owned and managed by their founder – Kalitta Air by Conrad Kalitta.Heath Nicoll, Director of Airline Safety, reminds that “Kalitta Companies can handle virtually anything – flying freight, pilot training, providing MRO maintenance, and everything in between. Each subsidiary of the group uses high end technology such as full motion flight simulators and 3D Engineering Computer software to name a few. So it was obvious to use the best-in-class service in our safety department to animate and that way, better analyze flight data.”
Did you know? High-quality performance
Besides air freight, Conrad Kalitta has acquired a strong reputation as a professional drag racer in the Top Fuel class of the NHRA (National Hot Rod Association, for drag races), winning five world championships and setting the world’s speed record on more than one occasion. In that spirit of providing the highest quality performance, Kalitta Air claims to have moved everything from cows, horses, whales, automobiles, helicopters, airplanes, tanks, oil rig drilling equipment, ocean liner anchors, government and military charters.
About Kalitta Air
Kalitta Air is a Michigan Limited Liability Company owned 100% by Conrad Kalitta. Kalitta Air began service in November 2000 with three Boeing 747 aircraft and the fleet has grown to a present total of 24 B747 freighters and 5 B767 freighters. Capable of air express delivery of virtually any type of freight, the company provides scheduled or on-demand charter service for customers in the United States and around the world. Most recently Mr. Kalitta was honored as the 2018 recipient of the prestigious Ronald N. Priddy NACA-CRAF Partners in Airlift Medal (“Priddy Medal”) presented by the National Air Carrier Association. Kalitta Air is committed to providing customers with the most cost-effective and complete on-demand air cargo services available in the industry. The company will operate flights safely, efficiently, economically, and in accordance with all applicable regulations. Kalitta’s customers will be treated fairly and respectfully; the company understands the importance of satisfying a customer. The team is dedicated to attaining this mission using the skills, knowledge and commitment of all team members.
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卡利塔航空选用CEFA FAS软件
卡利塔航空是一家领先的航空货运供应商,为了不断加强飞行安全,这家独立的美国航空货运公司选择使用CEFA AVIATION的飞行数据动画软件
卡利塔航空总部位于美国密歇根州伊普西兰蒂镇,本着“无论何时何地,卡利塔航空总能准时送达”的宗旨,该公司为美国及全球各地的客户提供国际定期与专门包机服务。为了将卡利塔航空全部运输机队(包括24架波音747-400和5架波音767-300ER)的飞行记录仪数据转换成动画,他们选择使用CEFA FAS(飞行动画系统)软件。
“主要的航空公司、区域航空公司以及货运航空公司都在使用CEFA FAS。”CEFA Aviation创始人兼首席执行官Dominique Mineo解释道。“我们对卡利塔航空尤其感到自豪与亲近,因为两家公司拥有一定程度的相似性:卡利塔航空称自己是一家规模不大却志存高远的公司。最初他们的员工很少,但每个人都兢兢业业且志存高远,大家都为了公司的成功而不断努力。卡利塔航空致力于为客户提供一流的优质产品,并重视客户满意度。”此外,卡利塔航空的创始人是Conrad Kalitta,两家公司都由各自的创始人完全拥有并管理。
航空安全总监Heath Nicoll补充道:“卡利塔航空几乎能处理所有事务,包括航空运输、飞行员训练、MRO服务(维护、维修和大修),以及这之间的一切事务。卡利塔航空旗下子公司全都采用高端技术,比如全动飞行模拟机和3D工程计算机软件等。因此很显然,我们的安全部门同样也使用一流的服务,来将数据转换为动画,从而更好地分析飞行数据。”
除从事航空运输外,Conrad Kalitta还是NHRA(美国高速赛车协会)Top Fuel组赫赫有名的职业赛车手,曾赢得5次世界冠军,并多次创造世界最快速度纪录。本着提供最高服务质量的精神,卡利塔航空几乎运输过所有类型的货物,包括牛、马、鲸鱼、汽车、直升机、飞机、坦克、石油钻井设备、远洋班轮锚等,并为政府和军队提供过包机。
卡利塔航空是一家位于密歇根州的有限责任公司,由Conrad Kalitta先生完全拥有。卡利塔航空成立于2000年11月,最初拥有3架波音747飞机,目前机队已经扩大至24架波音747运输机和5架波音767运输机。卡利塔航空为美国和世界各地的客户提供定期或专门包机服务,几乎能够运输任何类型的货物。最近,Kalitta先生荣获了美国国家航空公司联盟(National Air Carrier Association)颁发的2018年Priddy Medal奖(Ronald N. Priddy NACA-CRAF空运合作伙伴奖)。卡利塔航空致力于为客户提供业内最具成本效益、完全按需定制的航空运输服务。公司将安全、高效、经济化地运营各航班,并遵守所有适用的规章制度。公司将公平、公正地对待每一个客户,并将客户的满意放在首位。公司团队致力于发挥全体成员的聪明才智,努力践行承诺、达成使命。
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